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A Look at the Florence Renaissance: A British Institute Talk in English


Despite the Coronavirus lockdown, the British Institute’s Wednesday lectures in English at 6 pm are continuing. Guests can watch and comment the talks online using the Zoom video conferencing platform (meeting ID: 276 957 5320, password: 970164).  On April 22, the following topics will be examined:  why did Florentine Renaissance painters execute portraits of women like the Mona Lisa?  What was the real reason for fresco cycles in the great Florentine churches of Santa Croce and Santa Maria Novella?  How did wealth, birth, death, politics and even plague influence the making of art in Renaissance Florence?

This lecture by Dr. Alan Pascuzzi, painter, sculptor, art historian and author, will also explore how art accompanied, commemorated and glorified the lives of the Florentines during the period.

A donation is welcome, 50% of which will help the Institute, with the remaining 50% given to the Il Cuore di Firenze foundation towards the purchase of ventilators needed for intensive care units due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  (rita kungel)

If you do not already have ZOOM on your computer, it’s easy to download using this link – and it’s FREE! 

If you missed the lecture, during which Mark Roberts illustrated “Early Anglo-Florentines, and some 18th-century visitors to Florence” on April 8 at 6 pm CET, you can watch the recording of the lecture here.

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