Florence’s European Day of Jewish Culture 2023

A rooftop view of Florence’s synagogue

Sun. 10: EUROPEAN DAY OF JEWISH CULTURE. Synagogue, via Farini 6, Florence. 10:30 am – 7 pm.

Florence’s European Day of Jewish Culture, with free admission, offers events that will allow visitors to learn more about the history and the modern life of the Jewish community, examining the theme of beauty in Hebrew art, theater, music, literature and as part of the legacy of Jewish antique dealers and collectors.  The rich program includes cooking demonstrations of traditional cuisine, a video on the restoration of the Venice Synagogue plus activities for children. Of course, guests won’t want to miss a chance to taste Kosher specialities and enjoy music in the Jewish style.

There will be guided tours of the Synagogue and the Jewish Museum open to the public at 11 am, 1, 3, 4  and 5 pm. Reservations can be made on site or by calling 055/ 2989879.