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Mandela Forum Vaccination Center Closes


With over 800,000 anti-Covid vaccinations administered, the largest vaccination center in Tuscany, the Mandela Forum, located in Florence’s Campo di Marte neighborhood, will close: Tuesday, March 29 will be the last day it will be in operation.  The site’s closure, coinciding with the end of Italy’s state of emergency on March 31, has been postponed several times in recent months.  Government officials feel that the venue has served its purpose of expediting mass vaccinations, and that the Mandela Forum can return to hosting sports and entertainment events.

Despite the high number of vaccinations in Tuscany, around 400,000 residents out of a population of 3.7 million still have not received any shot, and in the past weeks, fewer and fewer have made appointment to do so. With an average of 3,000 visitors per week, the Mandela Forum currently works at a 10% capacity of its full potential. 

All reasons mentioned above, in addition to the high cost of operations, indicate why the Mandela Forum will close. In place of the Forum, multiple other locations will provide space and opportunity for people to receive vaccinations. In San Salvi, Palazzina 29 will be able to process 300 appointments per day, six days per week (Mon. – Sat.).  The Santa Rosa presidium has the same capacity but will be open five days per week, from Monday to Friday. 

If these new places cannot meet demand for vaccinations, other venues, such as Casa della Salute in Viale Morgagni and Casa della Salute delle Piagge, both in Florence, will be made available.  (ted de veer)

As an alternative to Moderna and Pfizer, the anti-Covid vaccine Nuvaxovid has also been recently arrived in Tuscany and can be requested; read article here. 

To read more in Italian, visit Florence’s La Repubblica new site.

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