Free Lecture in English on Artist Rosalba Carriera

Tuesday, Nov. 28: LECTURE IN ENGLISH. Angela Oberer will speak on The Life and Times of Artist Rosalba Carriera. CEA-CAPA Study Center, Piazza della Repubblica 6. 7 pm. Free admission. Please reserve a place by emailing
Rosalba Carriera (1673-1757) whose 350th birthday we celebrate this year was the most successful woman artist during her lifetime. Everywhere hymns were sung in praise of her skill and her personality, often in lofty and impassioned language.
This talk focuses on the various aspects that allowed Carriera to build up her career. Which external and internal factors helped her achieve success? How did she organize her own workshop and run her business? How did she manage not only to enter the male-dominated official art scene of Venetian painters but to surpass most of them as far as success is concerned?
And finally, what do her self-portraits reveal in terms of self-enactment and possibly autobiographical and professional turning points?
Angela Oberer graduated in Germany on Renaissance Venetian art and wrote her PhD thesis on the fresco cycle in Monte Oliveto Maggiore in Tuscany. For over 20 years, she has been teaching art history in Florence at AIFS, at CEA, at CET and at other programs that work with colleges and universities from all over the USA.