The Firenze Film Festival returns with shorts films by Italian and international filmmakers–this annual event has been held in Florence since 2018. This year’s edition takes place on Friday, September 13, at the Astra Cinema. Viewers can enjoy the works of film producers for free, and all of the movies are either in English or have English subtitles. The event starts at 7 pm with a feature film from Germany, titled ”Surviving [...]
Viola or Clarinet? Quintets cosí e cosá will take place on Thursday, May 30 at 6 pm in a continuation of free annual summer concerts held in Casa Buonarroti’s courtyard as part of Festival Passaggi 2024. The concert will feature performances by six musicians, all of whom are former members of the Orchestra della Toscana. Marco Ortelani will play the clarinet, Damiano Babbini and Susanna Pasquariello will be featured on the violin, Stefano [...]
The Season, hosted by New York University Florence, will once again take place at Villa La Pietra, for the 18th consecutive year. The picturesque 15th century villa will host events including exhibitions, readings, classical compositions, concerts, film screenings, dance and theatrical productions across six weeks, from May 23 to July 5, 2024. Actors, musicians, intellectuals and artists will be working in unison and in an interdisciplinary environment to deliver these nine evenings of [...]
The beautiful and historic basilica of Santa Croce is hosting an evening dedicated to Gregorian chant on Friday, May 3 starting at 8:30 pm with free admission. The concert will showcase the singing of the men and women of the Viri Galilaei chorus conducted by maestro Enzo Ventroni. The Viri Galilaei Chorus is a musical group dedicated to the study of Gregorian chant. Having mainly performed solely in Florence, the choir carries forward [...]
Wednesday, February 28: Laura Amato will speak on “Alchemy and Hermetism (a Philosophical System) at the Medici Court.” CEA CAPA Study Center, via Pandolfini 20. 6:30 pm. Free admission. Reservation necessay: rsvp to As in many Renaissance European courts, the ruling Medici family practiced alchemy and proto-science. The Tuscan Grand Dukes’ interest in alchemy was not only for purposes of practical experimentation but was particularly focused on the philosophical and exoteric [...]
Sunday, February 18: ANNA MARIA DE’MEDICI DAY. Florence. February 18 is a day of historical significance and celebration in Florence with events and free museum openings planned in recognition of Anna Maria Luisa dè Medici (1667-1743) on the anniversary of her death. This remarkable woman who was the last Medici ruler in Florence and a patron of the arts, gave her family’s significant cultural patrimony to the city. Those interested in observing [...]
November 29 at 9 pm: Orchestra della Toscana. The Mandela Forum, piazza Enrico Berlinguer 1. The Orchestra della Toscana is bringing a Mozart masterpiece to a Florentine neighborhood near you with their “Musica Diffusa” tour. The composer’s renowned opera Don Giovanni will be acted by Alessandro Riccio, a talented and experienced actor. This rendition of the opera aims to straddle the line between classical music and theater. The approach remains serious and irreverent [...]
Tuesday, Nov. 28: LECTURE IN ENGLISH. Angela Oberer will speak on The Life and Times of Artist Rosalba Carriera. CEA-CAPA Study Center, Piazza della Repubblica 6. 7 pm. Free admission. Please reserve a place by emailing Rosalba Carriera (1673-1757) whose 350th birthday we celebrate this year was the most successful woman artist during her lifetime. Everywhere hymns were sung in praise of her skill and her personality, often in lofty and impassioned language. [...]
In commemoration of the illustrious painter Sir Joshua Reynolds’ (1723-1792) ties to Italy, who was born 300 years ago, there will be two opportunities to discover places where he lived and frequented on the 300th anniversary year of his birth. Free guided tours will be offered on October 15 and November 12 at 10:30 am and 12:30 pm, with the meeting point in Piazza Santa Trinita. The occasion is being promoted by Florence [...]
The public is welcome to attend the conference “Artists’ Workshop Practice in the Renaissance” at the Netherlands Interuniversity Institute for Art History (NIKI), Viale Evangelista Torricelli 5 (near Poggio Imperiale) on September 21 – 22. Free of charge to all and held in English, the conference at the co-organized by Michelle O’Malley (Emeritus Professor at the Warburg Institute / NIKI-scholar-in-residence) and Lydia Goodson (independent scholar). The workshop was the nexus of artistic production [...]