That Christmas is coming is evident throughout the city. Video mapping technology alternating shapes, volumes, colors, and surfaces through light will be projected on the Ponte Vecchio and the facades of the church of San Paolino, Palazzo Vecchio from December 7 to January 6, and holiday lights will decorate Piazza Santa Maria Novella, the Chamber of Commerce, Palazzo Medici Riccardi and the streets of Florence. Christmas Trees The lighting of the city’s giant [...]
The issue of violence against women will be in the spotlight once again on the annual International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25. The day aims to raise worldwide awareness about the various forms of violence that women can experience. This year, over 60 events will take place throughout the city of Florence starting the preceding week, in conjunction with local organizations. Although many of these activities [...]
Across Florence, green lights will illuminate several monuments including the historical gates to raise awareness for World Mental Health Day on October 10. Throughout the country 17 major cities including Florence are taking part in this initiative, to draw attention to the importance of combatting stigma in all areas of mental health, and to highlight the hard work of those who work in this sector. In Florence the initiative will last three [...]
Saturday 7: RIFICOLONA (Paper Lantern Festival) History provides the cornerstone of Florence’s annual Rificolona festivities in honor of the Feast of the Virgin Mary and the start of construction of the Florence Cathedral (Duomo) on September 8, 1296. During the Renaissance, Tuscan farmers and shepherds would arrive in Florence on the evening of Sept. 7. Often traveling from the countryside and mountains at night, lanterns (rificolone) provided visibility for their path. The pilgrims would [...]
The 2024 Memorial Day observance on May 27 at the Florence American cemetery in Falciani will be a prelude to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Florence (August 1944) from Nazi-Fascist forces in the presence of the U.S. Ambassador to Italy Jack Markell and Florence U.S. Consul General Daniela Ballard. Against a backdrop of white crosses and Judaic stars that systematically denote the gravesites of 4,402 Americans who died on Italian battlefields [...]
This weekend, Amici della Musica presents two events: a piano recital by Nelson Goerner on Saturday, March 23 (4 pm) at Teatro della Pergola, and a musical portrait of contemporary composer Claudio Ambrosini on Sunday, March 24 (9 pm) at “Luigi Cherubini” Conservatory. Gracing the stage of Teatro della Pergola, Nelson Goerner’s performance is carefully curated to showcase his remarkable artistry and interpretive depth. Goerner is said to create poetry with his musical [...]
August 11 marks the date of Florence’s liberation in 1944 from the retreating German army and Fascist sympathizers during World War II by the Tuscan resistance fighters (partigiani) with the arrival of Allied forces. On that day, members of the Comitato Toscana di Liberazione Nazionale (the Tuscan Committee for National Liberation) had established a new city government in Palazzo Medici Riccardi. Earlier, on night of August 3 and early hours of August 4, all the [...]
Balagàn Café, a charming initiative established 11 years ago through the collaboration of musician Enrico Fink and the Jewish Community of Florence, has officially opened its doors this summer. Nestled in the serene garden of the Synagogue in Florence (via Luigi Carlo Farini 6), this unique cafè offers a series of weekly events until August 31, culminating in the celebration of the European Day of Jewish Culture on September 10. With a rich [...]
The celebrated international poetry event, ‘Distant Voices, Sister Voices,’ will be taking place in Florence in June and September this year. Now in its 21st edition, the annual festival will host a number of poetry readings, by poets both alive and dead, from around the world. Entrance is free but reservations are required at the following email: Opening the festival at Palazzo Medici-Riccardi (via Cavour 3) on June 6 at 5 pm [...]
SUNSET The afternoon is on its way The sunset is approaching – a moment of wonder The sun is heading to bed It is already night, all is finished TRAMONTO Il pomeriggio se ne va il tramonto si avvicina un momento stupendo Il sole sta andando via (a letto) È già sera tutto è finito Written only a few days before her death, these are the words of a nine year old girl [...]