Testo 2024: A Fair for Book Lovers

Testo 2023/photo Aurora Montecucco

Focusing on the life cycle of a book, the third edition of TESTO comes to Stazione Leopolda on February 23 – 25 (10 am – 8 pm). Organized by Pitti Immagine, the program offers an in depth look at the world of literature. Last year’s events attracted more than 10,000 visitors exploring books and attending workshops, guided itineraries and special events presented by the publishing houses participating.  This year representatives from 150 will be attending

The spotlight is set to shine on international and Italian authors, bringing together a diverse tapestry of voices, perspectives, and literary traditions. This literary extravaganza promises not only an enriching experience for book lovers but also a platform for writers, editors, illustrators, and photographers to showcase their skills through an array of workshops, readings, presentations, and editorial scouting opportunities. 

This event in particular will celebrate new authors and their debut literature, the renowned work of well established authors and poets, and the 50th anniversary of Stephen King’s debut novel, Carrie. 

TESTO, which means text in Italian, will also present a program which recreates the life cycle of a book. Exploring the process of how a book is written, its publication, translation, the graphic design, how it is marketed and readers to guide the visitor through seven workshop stations.

During the three days the public can benefit from a series of themed workshops, coordinated with the seven stages of a books life cycle. The slogan of each demonstrates the focus of this literary fair, “Testo describes a product and a process.”  The sections are:

HOW TO WRITE: Participants will learn about the various writing styles word crafters use to write a book.

HOW TO PUBLISH: A overview will be given of the different systems of publishing, from large group publishers to self-publishing.

TRANSLATIONS: In Latin the word legere means to read, but also to choose. The translator has the responsibility to read and choose the appropriate voice for the rebirth of each book in another language.

GRAPHICS: Graphic design in publishing seems to change and innovate exponentially with the growth of the digital world. This theme will be explored with illustrators and cartoonists in attendance. 

THE STORY, HOW TO MARKET: This stage explores how to publicize one’s literary work. Agents, editors, publishers and the press all take part in the marketing of a book.

THE BOOKSHOP: Booksellers, specialists in reading and critiquing, help potential buyers explore various literary works.

HOW TO READ A BOOK: Professionals guide participants to learn about why one reads a book, about market influences and literature in TV, film, video games and online series.

Attendees can witness the birth of a story, the evolution of a character, or the inspiration behind a particular scene. These demonstrations provide a unique glimpse into the minds of those shaping the contemporary literary landscape.

Workshops and guided tours, led by librarians, authors, literary critics, booksellers and publishing representatives, are open to small groups of readers, book lovers and new authors, by reservation only. Reservations to participate in each workshop can be made online.

The literary fair will feature a captivating lineup of international authors who will take center stage to share excerpts from their works. Attendees will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a diverse range of literary styles, genres, and cultural influences. From the poetry of Spanish author Sara Mesa to the non-fiction publications of Nick Thorpe.

The fair will also host a number of Italian authors for any bilingual readers. Most notably, the Gabinetto Vieusseux will host a presentation focused on the work of Italo Calvino from 12 to 1 p.m. There will be a subsequent presentation on Eugenio Montale from 3 to 4 p.m. 

Radio Gridolini, a station dedicated to the event, will broadcast events and interviews at Stazione Leopolda and online at the event website. 

Testone is a daily newspaper produced to spotlight this literary fair. The newspaper will be written, edited, and produced by young aspiring writers. 

As the literary world converges at this upcoming fair, the celebration of international and Italian authors promises to be a dynamic and enriching experience. This literary fair is set to be a beacon for literary enthusiasts and aspiring creators alike, fostering a sense of unity through the universal language of storytelling. 

Organizers invite all bibliophiles and bookworms to join publishing companies, large and small, along with guests presenting new ideas and authors from all over the globe for this diverse program of events.  (Rita Kungel and Maura Marshall)

Admission to Testo is €7 online for all three days until February 22 and €7 per day onsite purchase. For further information and to make reservations for workshops and guided tours, visit the website.